Broadcasting weekly since 2003Broadcasting weekly since 2003Broadcasting weekly since 2003
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Make the check to "MECC" and mail it to: Middle East Crisis Committee, P.O. Box 237
Guilford, CT 06437
Organized or took part in demonstrations throughout Connecticut and in New York City.
52 new TSVN programs shown on 30+ channels . All our shows are on YouTube. View at
Established a “Courage Award” which we gave this year to jailed Egyptian dissident Alaa Abd El-Fattah.
Organized several events for Mazin Qumsiyeh during his northeast U.S. speaking tour
Slide show presentation “Jewish-led Boycotts of Antisemites and Nazis”
Opinion pieces the Hearst newspapers of Connecticut, New Politics and radio interviews.
Many new colorful banners & signs created for rallies
Worked with groups like Jewish Voice for Peace, Promoting Enduring Peace, Democratic Socialists of America, American Muslims for Palestine and other groups