Saudi Arabia sentences U.S. citizen to 16 years in prison for tweets - Josh Rogin
Sarah Leah Whitson on Democracy Now 12/10/22
35 NGOs are calling on international bodies to condemn drug executions in Saudi Arabia and seek to stop them
Judge dismisses Khashoggi lawsuit against Saudi prince; Biden granted him immunity
The Atlantic’s elevation of MBS is an insult to journalism - Karen Attiah
These Hypocrites Vote to Approve Huge Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia - December
Saudi Arabia Ends Execution for Crimes Committed by Minors - Deutsche Welle, April 27
Saudi Arabia Bans Flogging as Punishment - Deutsche Welle, April 25
The U.S. needs to get its citizens out of Saudi Arabia’s jails now - Ali Al Ahmed, Washington Post, April 14
It's Time for the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to Break Up - Defense One
from January - The Kidnapping and Return of Buthaina - Middle East Eye
Bloomberg company details Saudi regime wealth Aug.12 (could be a $trillion)
A Happy Marriage Between God and Budget Deficits op-ed from a Pakistani novelist
What Law? - MBS Frees 2,000 Pakistani Prisoners with Stroke of his Pen
Khan Honors MBS with Highest Civilian Award
Khan Embraces MBS as Saudi Invests $20 Billion in Pakistan
Saudi Officials Says They Don't Know Where Khashoggi's Remains are Located
My Father Faces the Death Penalty Abdullah Alaoudh - New York Times
CNN - U.S. Sold Weapons to Saudis and Some Goes to Al-Qaeda and the Houthis
Prevent the Execution of Ali al-Nimr - Repreive
Executions in Saudi Arabia have doubled under Crown Prince
For Saudi Women, Challenges Go Far Beyond Driving (editor - Outstanding Article)
The U.S. needs Saudi Arabia, and vice versa - Tyler Cowen
Facebook Page of Group Trying to Defend Muslim Heritage Sites - Baqee
Wave of Arrests Targets Last Vestiges of Freedom in Saudi Arabia
Amnesty Internatioanl - Systematic Human Rights Violations
Saudi Women Can Drive Now. Will That Hurt Saudi Women? - Hala Aldosari
Why Are US Colleges Collaborating With Saudi Arabia? - Stanley Heller, The Nation, March
Saudi Arabia: Has the rate of executions doubled? (editor - since Salman became Crown Prince) - March, BBC
Executions double under Saudi Crown Prince - a study by the UK group Reprieve, March 7
Tom Friedman on Saudi Arabia's "Arab Spring" (edtior- revolting flattery of Salman)
Coaltion Calls for End of UNH-Saudi Partnership - Charger Bulletin (student newspaper of UNH)
One woman's furious response to Uber's new deal with the Saudi government
The Saudis Now Own Part of Uber and Profit Financially from Preventing Women Drivers.....Gushing Story about Uber from 2015
Mecca Goes Mega NY Times June 8
Yemen conflict: UN accuses Saudis of pressure over blacklist June 9 - BBC
The U.N. Report on Mistreatment of Children before the Saudis Muscled Ban Ki-moon into Removing Them April 20
Exclusive: Saudi's deputy crown prince to visit U.S. for talks - sources Reuters June 3
Saudis Lobby EU to Keep the Weapons Flowing to Monarchy
Saudis Use U.S. Cluster Bombs in Yemen
Senate Democrat Says It's Time To Cut Off Support For Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen
Feb. 3. Murphy on Floor of the Senate on Saudi Arabia - Video
Senator Murphy Interviewed about Saudi Arabia and the "Gulf Lobby"
31 minutes into this podcast
Interviews with Zephyr Teachout, Chris Murphy, and Reid Ribble, Plus
At Council for Foreign Relations
Senator Wonders How Much Longer U.S. Will Blindly Support Saudi Arabia
U.N. Report on Saudi Airstrike and UK Role - Jan 27
Says U.S. Support Saudi Horrors Because "U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money
Facebook page of Sheikh Al Nimr Supporters
Iran Cleric Condemns Al-Nimr Execution
Saudi Bloodbath 47 Executed - The Struggle
Frances War on ISIS Won't Stand in the Way of Saudi Arms Deal
Saudi Arabia risks destroying OPEC and feeding the Isil monster The Telegraph (UK)
Saudi Arabia Paying Eritrea to Fight in Yemen
Saudi Hajj Disaster Worst Ever - 1,400 Dead Hundreds Missing
Saudi Arabia to Be a Failed State as Oil Revenues Decline
Boycott the Hajj Asra Q. Nomani
Time to boycott Saudi Arabia Asra Q. Nomani
Saudi Royal Calls for Regime Change in Riyadh
Over 100,000 Petition Against Execution, Crucifixion of Corpse of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr - Read/Sign
Saudi Arabia's Troubling Death Sentence Human Rights Watch
The Saudi royal family is protecting VIPs while letting ordinary pilgrims die -Vijay Prashad
The Collapse of Saudi Arabia is Inevitable Nafeez Ahmed Sept 28
The evil empire of Saudi Arabia is the West’s real enemy Yasmin Alibhai-Brown - The Independent
Amnesty Tells the US to Stop Selling Arms to Saudi Arabia - $90 Billion Sold 2010-2014 - Bryan Schatz
(If Ali is Executed) "there will be an uncontrolled reaction in the streets" - Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr's Father
from 2005, Saudi Prince Endows Two U.S. Universities with $40 Million
Yale Donor Comes Under Scrutiny
Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia, and Their Gift to Yale - Omer Aziz - Huffington Post
(British Labor Party politcian) Corbyn on Saudi Arabia
Says Islamic State Producat of "Zionist Freemasons" - Abdullah Al-Nasser - - Saudi Gazette
End of Iran Sanctions Would Cost Saudi Regime $40B a Year
Fareed Zakaria Dismisses Possibility of Saudi "Bomb"
Video - Panel "Extremist Saudi Arabia and How to Expose It" - Left Forum - 2015
Why Saudi Arabia's yemen War is Not Producing Victory
"Without US help, the Saudis simply could not sustain the air campaign" - Yemen - U.S. News and World Report
Israelis Saudis Reveal Secret Talks - Bloomberg
Saudi Arabia Keeps Pumping to Cut Iran and Russia Down a Notch - Foreign Policy magazine
BBC - "Saudi Arabia Winning the Media War" Arabic Al-Jazeera Pro-Saudi(U.S.) Attack
Saudi Regime Executes 88th and it's Only May!
Heller comment published on Hubbard article
New Saudi King Upends Status Quo - Ben Hubbard - New York Times
Over 115 Children Killed in Yemen Says UNICEF
NYT Editorial Catastrophe in Yemen March 24
Journalist Group Says Saudi Arabia 3rd Most Censoring
Saudi Ambassador Does Not Say Kingdom Won't Build Nuclear Bomb,
Says Attacks in Yemen Protecting "Legitimate" Yemen Government
Gunfire in Saudi Town for Hours
Protest Called Off in Eastern Saudi Province
Saudis Blow Up Family of 9 - Haaretz
Charges of Decades Long Collaboration of "the West", the Saudis and Al-Qaeda
Saudi Leaders Have High Hopes for Yemen Airstrikes, but Houthi Attacks Continue - David Kirkpatrick
Turkey thinks Yemen is Part of Ottoman Empire 2.0
Swedish Minister Under Fire by Swedish 1% for Telling Truth about Treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia
Important News - Sweden Cancels Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia over Human Rights Issues - Jerusalem Post
Saudi Media Drools over Ben Hubbard Puff Piece - As'ad AbuKhalil
Saudi Justice, Harsh but Able to Spare the Sword
Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia Now Big Issue in Sweden
Saudi's Like Netanyahu's Iran Speech Before U.S. Congress
Saudi Court Sentences Man to Be Beheaded for "Apostosy" for Ripping and Kicking Koran
Our Shameful Support for Extremist Saudi Arabia Stanley Heller, New Haven Register
In Court Testimony Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda
Bad Saudi Vibes - Irfan Husain, The Dawn, Pakistan.
Prisoners of the Saudis - Ross Douthat
In Saudi Arabia the Social Media are a Tool of the Resistance
Compare and Contrast how Western Leaders React to Abduallah and Chavez
Flog Me Instead of Badawi Says Princeton Professor
Empire's Paper of Record Calls Late Saudi King "Modernizer", "Reformer" and "Force for Moderation"
Documents Show Saudi Arabia and Islamic State Have Near Identical Punishments
Four Men Hold Down Burmese Woman So She Can Be Beheaded
How Saudi Wahhabism is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism - Yousff Butt - Academia
Saudis Postpone Second Round of Flogging
No, Nick Kristof, Saudi Arabia Cannot Lead Reform
Saudi Arabia's History of Hypocrisy Robert Fisk
Saudi Blogger Receives First 50 Lashes
State Department Asks Lashing Sentence be Cancelled
and then Obama's Pentagon Sends the Next Weapons Shipment to the Saudi Royals
87 Beheadings in Saudi Arabia in 2014
Goal of ISIS - Replacement of Saudi's as Shi'ite Leaders
Saudi Court Sends Women Drivers to Terrorism Court
Why Would the Saudis Deliberately Crash the Oil Markets?
Saudi Regime Beheads 59 People So Far This Year...And U.S. is Mum
Interview with Saudi Dissident - Ali Al-Ahmed - The Real News
The Destruction of Mecca - Ziauddin Sardar - op-ed - New York Times
One of the Ugliest Anti-Semites of the 20th Century - King Faysal - As'ad Abu Khalil Sept. 24
Beheadings Very Much a Part of the Saudi (In)Justice System - Al Jazeera English
Do the Secret 28 Pages Implicate Saudi's in the 9/11 Attack? - the New Yorker
Ed Husain Denounces Saudi Extremism Now But in 2012 He Thought Al-Qaeda Useful in Syria!
Saudi King Condemns Gaza War, but Not Israel - Times of Israel
Man Sentenced to three years and 450 Lashes for Meeting Men
Saudi Government Mishandled MERS
Saudi Arabia's Dubious Legalism - Eman Al Nafjan, NYT, June 19, 2014
Three Arrested After You Tube Appeal to King about Living Standards
Atheists are All Declared Terrorists
Saudi's Flex Their Fanaticism - Davidson
Saudi Preacher Freed from Jail - Killed 5 Year Old Daughter
He Thought had Lost her Virginity International Business Times 3/12
Saudis Send Egypt Another $2 Billion
Saudi Government Cleric Says Shia Saudis are Non-Muslim
Contract Labor in Saudi Arabia - Vijay Prashad - Dec. 26
Saudi Blogger May Face Death Penalty for "Apostasy" Russia Today
A Film Joins the Fight Between the Syrians and the Saudis
Mass murder in the Middle East is funded by our friends the Saudis Patrick Cockburn Dec. 9, The Independent
A modern-day tale of Romeo and Juliet
Saudi video "No Women, No Drive" Goes Viral
New Website - Saudi Women Driving
Driving May Harm Ovaries Says Gulf Psychological Association Consultant
Manal Al-Sharif: The Drive for Freedom
Fearing Crackdown, Foreign Workers in Saudi Arabia Face Long Delays to Leave
U.S. "Moderate" Ally Beheads 5 Men, Display Bodies and Heads - CAUTION Revolting Picture
Man Sentenced to 300 Lashes for Helping Convert Escape
Blistering Letter of "Advice" to Saudi King
Saudi Woman Given Lashes For Texting Stranger by Mistake - International Business Times
Men Banned From Fair for Being too Handsome
Saudi Religious Police Outlaw Tempting Eyes
A Saudi is Sentenced to be Paralyzed
Saudi Prosecutor Asks for Crucifixion of Jailed Shia Cleric
Saudi Prince Jailed for Murder Flies Home from Britain
Audio interview about the Executions with Ali AlAhmed
Ali AlAhmed Writes about World Indifference to Saudi Executions
The Seven are Executed...No Word on Crucifixion (See March 5 article)
Saudis Bust Up Human Rights Group, Convict Two for Sedition
It's Worse than the NYT Reported...Alleged Robber Slated to Be Crucified (March 5, 2013)
Saudi Billiionaire Says Forbes List Unfair to Middle East Billionaires
Mass Executions for Armed Robbery Postponed
Saudi Arabia Beheading Nearly Two People Per Week - Amnesty International
Will Saudi Arabia Every Change? - Hugh Eakin
Saudi Virtue Police Worried About Dinosaurs - But Why?
Brookings' Bruce Riedel urges intensified US support for Saudi despots - Glenn Greenwald
In View of Latest Execution Petition Asks for Cancellation of $60 Billion U.S.-Saudi Arms Deal
Rights Group Protest Whipping and Imprisonment of Egyptian Lawyer
45 Maids on Death Row in Saudi Arabia
MECC Press Release on Execution of Rizanna Nafeek
Growing Problem of Poverty in Saudi Arabia
Saudi detains dozens for "plotting to celebrate Christmas"
Saudi Police Shoot Protester Dead - Dec. 28
Prince Bandar and Weapons Deals - Democracy Now - (read halfway down page)
Prominent Saudi Writer Arrested for Tweet
Rights Activist Faces Apostasy Charge Dec. 17, 21012
Saudi Human Rights First Society
Saudi Women Monitored Electronically Nov. 22, 2012
Human Rights Watch on Saudi Arabia October 2012
Huge Breakthrough - Non-Muslims Can Be Buried in Saudi Arabia - Will Reform Never End?
New York Times Says Twitter Gives Saudi Arabia a Revolution of Its Own
"Bold Reform" - Women Allowed to Vote in Municipal Elections
Saudi Woman to Be Lashed for Driving Car
Cleric Says Letting Women Drive would Mean End of Saudi Women Virginity
Saudi Dissent - Only in Private
Saudi Arabia and the Emirates Crackdwon - Vijay Prashad
When Gulf Institute Head Was 14 He was the Youngest Saudi Political Prisoner - Video
‘Mujtahidd’ Tweets Shake Things Up In Saudi Arabia
Saudi Man Beheaded for Witchcraft and Sorcery
Amnesty International on Saudi Human Rights
Saudi Revolutionaries - An Interview - June 2012
Malaysia Detains Saudi Over Twitter Posts on Prophet
Prince Says Saudi's May Want Nuclear Bomb
U.S. Government Still Quiet about Saudi Grand Mufti Call to Destroy All Churches
Saudi Arabia Opens Airspace so Israel can Attack Iran
Not a Single Trade Union in Saudi Arabia
National Peace Group in U.S. Denounces Saudi Regime
U.S.-Saudi Arms Deal Biggest Ever
Saudi King Pardons Rape Victim
Woman's Punishment Increased to 200 Lashes
Saudi Police Stopped 'Fire' Rescue - BBC - 2002