The Middle East Crisis Committee calls for a public response to the program of the International Festival of Arts and Ideas featuring Erick Russell, the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut. The Treasury has at last count $100 million invested in Israeli companies and State of Israel Bonds. That includes near a million dollars invested in Elbit, Israel’s biggest weapons making company. At a time of active genocide of Gaza Palestinians CT should be breaking all ties with Apartheid Israel.
We propose people register and attend the session in the Festival Center (on the Green near the corner of Church and Elm St. at 6 p.m. on Wed. June 26 wearing keffiyeh’s, buttons, T-shirts with slogans, etc. AND that many stand outside with signs and banners and flyers to educate passers-by with chants and songs.
Free reservation here: Live Broadcast of CT Mirror’s “In The Room” with Erick Russell | International Festival of Arts and Ideas (
And as New Haven will be flooded with people for the Festival let’s take advantage of it to engage with folks in creative ways. [Anyone have an 8’ puppet?]
Assemble at 12:30 p.m. at Post Office Plaza at 1 Ives Street
Some street parking. Lots in the McNally Patriot Parking Garage (1 Patriot Drive). Delay St. side of garage faces 1 Ives St.
Speakers, March
Ceasefire Now!!
Stop Starving Palestinians
End the Genocide
Justice and Equal Rights from the River to the Sea
Protest the Crushing of Palestinians - Remember Rachel Corrie
Stop the Killing Spree
Condemn Politicians Who Vote Support for Israeli Crimes
Looking for co-sponsors
Initial Sponsors: Middle East Crisis Committee (CT), CT Coalition for Justice in Palestine, Promoting Enduring Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine (UCONN), American Muslims for Palestine, We Shall Return
Middletown (CT) Rally
Sunday, November 5
Start at Corner of Washington and Main
at 1:30 p.m.
Later walk down to Spear Park (Main and William Sts.)
Ceasefire Now!!
End the Siege of Gaza
Stop the Genocide
Justice and Equal Rights from the River to the Sea
Stop the Killing Spree
Condemn Politicians Who Give Israel Unlimited Support
Condemn Israeli Apartheid
Respect Civilian Lives
Looking for co-sponsors
Initial Sponsors: Middle East Crisis Committee (CT), Omar Islamic Cultural Center (of Middletown), Promoting Enduring Peace
The President of the University of Connecticut, Randenka Maric, went along on Lamont's trip to the Apartheid State of Israel. UCONN has forged extensive partnerships with weapons manufacturers like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies and Pratt & Whitney. Once a year, UConn observes “Lockheed Martin Day,” Pratt & Whitney has been supplying the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) with engines for their military aircraft since 1947. In 2015, they renewed their partnership for an additional 15 years. Raytheon Technologies manufactures guided missiles and bombs which are routinely dropped on Palestinian civilians. Last November UCONN students held a protest, but it apparently made no impression on UCONN's administration.
As the students say, "Not Our Campus".
Cosponsoring groups (list in formation): Jewish Voice for Peace (New Haven), Middle East Crisis Committee, Tree of Life Education Fund, Poetic Release UConn, Middle Eastern Students Association UConn, African Student Association UConn, Black Muslim Association UConn, American Muslims for Palestine, American Muslims for Palestine CT, Students for Justice in Palestine UConn, Muslim Student Association UConn Storrs, Muslim Student Association UConn Hartford, Arab Student Association UConn, Doctors Without Borders UConn, Socialist Resurgence
Slogans for Signs or Chants:
No Deals with Apartheid Israel
Human Rights Not Israeli Apartheid
Palestinian/Jewish Equality Not Israeli Apartheid
Freedom Not Israeli Apartheid
Humanity Not Israeli Apartheid
Connecticut Opposes Apartheid
Connecticut Supports Equality
Peace, and Freedom Boycott Apartheid
Support Equal Rights - No Business With Israeli Apartheid
Governor Lamont Ignores Israeli Human Rights Violations
Free, Free Palestine
After the killing of Palestinian-American Omar As’ad
“Jahanna Hayes, You Vote Israel Money and are Blind to Its Abuses”
Rally Thurs. February 3
2:00 p.m.
If you can’t make it, Call Hayes’ Office
After years of fruitless attempts to get Member of Congress Jahanna Hayes to speak out against Israeli violations against Palestinian rights, the Middle East Crisis Committee will be holding a protest in front of her campaign office on 108 Bank St. in Waterbury and later along Grand St. near the Municipal Building at 235 Grand Street.
The particular reason for a rally in mid-winter is the death of 80-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Abdalmajeed As’ad at the hands of Israeli soldiers on January 12. He was stopped by Israeli soldiers in a Palestinian town on the West Bank, taken from his car, handcuffed, blindfolded, and gagged on a near freezing night and then put on the ground and abandoned by Israeli soldiers. He was found at 4 a.m. by a Palestinian, dead. He died of a heart attack almost surely brought on by the stress of his detention.
Member of Congress Hayes was told about it within a few days and has been kept informed of it by email from residents in her voting district. She has not said anything about the incident. Apparently, she will be happy to take whatever explanation the Israeli government eventually gives. The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 24 that "Charges are not expected to be brought against” the soldiers involved. Outrageous.
Last September Congresswoman Hayes voted Israel an extra billion dollars to go with the $3.8 billion it gets yearly from U.S. taxpayers. She has not shown any evidence that she expects Israel to respect the rights of Palestinians under Israeli control.
She has been asked repeatedly to co-sponsor HR 2590 the "Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living under Israeli Military Occupation Act" (authored by Member of Congress Betty McCollum). Hayes won’t support the bill even though 78 Connecticut unions and faith-based groups urge its passage. The legislation would prohibit Israel from using U.S. taxpayer dollars for the military detention and abuse of Palestinian children.
Join the rally on Thursday. We will start at her campaign office which is on 108 Bank Street in Waterbury. It’s between Waterbury’s Post University and a Western Union office. Now the sidewalk curbs are filled with snow and cars are parked bumper so it’s not a great place to rally. After 15 or 20 minutes we’ll move over two blocks to the sidewalk in front of the Municipal Buildings on 235 Grand Street.
Parking along Bank Street will probably be taken and the snow has reduced the number of spaces. We recommend you use the Buckingham Municipal Garage which is on 210 Bank St. near the corner of Grand. Parking is $2.00 an hour.
Join Us. Bring signs and banners.
Justice 4 Omar As’ad.
Hayes, Sponsor the Bill to Protect Palestinian Children!
Cut the Military Aid to Israel - Spend the Billions in the U.S.
Support Boycotts of Israel to Pressure its Vicious Government
If you can’t make the event call Jahanna Hayes Congressional office in Waterbury (860)-223-8412 or in Washington D.C. (202) 225-4476. Tell whoever answers that you support the rally and that we want her to speak out against the killing of Omar As’ad and we expect her to cosponsor H.B. 2590.
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, Director of the Palestinian Natural History Museum (Bethlehem, West Bank), will be speaking on Zoom Tuesday, January 11 at 7 pm (ET). The event is hosted by the Community Church of Boston and is co-sponsored by Muslims for Progressive Values and Jewish Voice for Peace. Dr. Qumsiyeh has a long history of activism, is a frequent speech maker and has written several books (see "Sharing the Land of Canaan" and "Popular Resistance in Palestine"). His work had a major influence in getting activists in the West to understand and support the Palestinian Right to Return. He's written 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles.
Click here for the link to the zoom event.
7 p.m. on zoom, Sat. December 11
Several Jewish Federations and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) are sponsoring a movie that praises a mass killer of Palestinians
By showing “Upheaval” about the life of Menachem Begin, they try to pretty up the life of one of the most violent leaders of Israel
Learn the facts about Begin, Israel and the ADL at this important Zoom panel
Shelly Altman, New Haven Jewish Voice for Peace
Dr. Emmaia Gelman - Her forthcoming book is based on her dissertation “Empire against Race: a critical history of the Anti-Defamation League, 1913-1990”,
Stanley Heller, Executive Director of the Middle East Crisis Committee
sponsored by: Middle East Crisis Committee, Promoting Enduring Peace
Online Forum, Saturday, November 13
5 p.m. Eastern, 2 p.m. Pacific
There has been a strong surge in support for Palestinian workers and people during the past year. From CWA UPTE at UC, UESF and CUNY AFT PSC in New York, union locals have voted to oppose US military and economic aid and supported a boycott of Israel.
This panel will look at this history and the efforts of the supporters of Israel to shut down debate, free speech and to intimidate trade unionists and workers to remain silent about apartheid Israel and support for it by the US government, and the AFL-CIO leadership which receives funding from the US government through the National Endowment of Democracy
Lisa Milos, UPTE UCSF Delegate to SF Labor Council & CWA 2021 Convention
Rabab Abdulhadi, SFSU Professor & Chair of Arab & Muslim Ethnicities & Diasporas Department
Carol Lang, AFT PSC CUNY College Faculty Member
Stanley Heller, Retired Connecticut teacher, former AFT local president (West Haven, CT) and state union Vice-President
click here to Register
For further information:
Sponsored by United Front Committee For A Labor Party UFCLP
Register in advance for this meeting:.