UN Predicts Famine Not Seen in 40 Years Due to Pompeo Yemen Policy
U.S. to Declare Houthis a Terrorist Group
Starving Children Don't Cry - Nickolas Kristof
Yemen Airport (Aden) is Attacked as New Government Arrives
Call for Worldwide Action Against War on Yemen 1/25/21
Yemen on Brink of Losing an Entire Generation of Children
As War in Yemen Hits Year 4, A Brief History of U.S. Involvement - Shireen Al-Adeimi - March 25
from January - The Kidnapping and Return of Buthaina - Middle East Eye
Who Controls What - Al Jazeera
A Primer of Violence and Anti-Violence
CNN - U.S. Sold Weapons to Saudis and Some Goes to Al-Qaeda and the Houthis
85,000 Children May Have Starved to Death - Save the Children
Southern Separatists Call For Independence Referendum October
Southern Separatists Call for Uprising in Aden Oct 3
"Nearly every child in Yemen’ in need of humanitarian aid", Says U.N.
How the U.S. is Making the War Worse - Nicolas Niarchos, New Yorker
Yemen "Officially Recognized" PM Flees Aden
No Honor Among Thieves - IDM Feb
Aden Captured by Southern Separatists Aligned with UAE
Saudis Kill 68 Civilians in One Day - December
Blockade Will Kill "Untold Thousands"
Saudi Wars on Houthis and Al Qaeda Grows Much Stronger
The New York Times Dances Around War Crimes - Who is to blame when bombs kill civilians?
Saudi Coalition Used US Bombs in Obliterating Yemen Market - ABC News Terrible Picture of Baby who Died at 5 Months - The Independent
Over 10,000 Child Deaths Because of the War - UNICEF
Saudis Use U.S. Cluster Bombs in Yemen
Senate Democrat Says It's Time To Cut Off Support For Saudi Arabia's War In Yemen
Saudi-Led War in Yemen Frays Ties With the U.S. Dec. 22
ISIS Growing in Strength in Yemen
Peace Talks Do Not Succeed, New Round Set for January - Yemen Post News
Islamic State Gains Strength in Yemen, Challenging Al Qaeda
Urgent Need for Peace in Yemen NYT editorial
152 Feared Dead in Yemen Ballistic Missile Strike
Michael Karadjis Criticizes UNAC Statement about Houthis and Yemen
Westerners on Iranian Boat to Yemen
Saudis Announce Halt to Bombing Campaign No Sign of Houthi Retreat
U.S. Generals Criticize Yemen Strategy CNN
What Saudi Arabia is Up to In Yemen - CNN Interview - Ali Al-Ahmed
A Statement by Yemen Specialists on the Attack
U.N. Security Council on Yemen April 2015
Iraqis Criticize Saudi Attack on Yemen
UN Security Council Put Weapons Embargo on Houthis and Russia Only Abstains
Six Socialist Groups in Middle East Denounce Saudi-U.S. Yemen Aggression and Houthi Attacks, Too
Hadi Justifies War Against Yemen
Pakistan Rejects Saudi Call for Help in Attack on Yemen
The Yemen War Spectacularly Bad Today - Elias Groll - Foreign Policy
Who is Threatening the Holy Mosques? Not the Houthis - Ayaz Amir (from Pakistan)
Security Council Res. 2216, Imposes Sanctions, Does Not Authorize Saudi or U.S. Violence
Your Nobel Peace Prize Winner Tawakkol Karman - As'ad AbuKhalil
Yemen's Women Revolutionaries Dissent Magazine
Second Bahraini Arretested for Criticizing War on Yemenis
Is Yemen America's Fight? - Debate in the New York Times
"Foreign states that go to war in Yemen usually come to regret it" - Patrick Cockburn
What’s Really Behind the Saudi Attack on Yemen - Juan Cole
Houthi's Stage Mass Rally in Sana'a After Saudi Attack - Russia Today
It's a "Pre-emptive" attack
The Saudi Explanation for Their Invasion of Yemen in Al-Arabiya
It is Not a Sectarian War - Stacey Philbrick Yadav - -Washington Post
Obama Administration Cringe-worthy Quotes - Vox
Obama Administration Supports Saudi Bombing - The Guardian, March 26, 2015
The War on Yemen - How to Read It - As'ad AbuKhalil
March 25, 2015
Saudis Bomb Yemen - Houthis Attack Air Base Formerly Used by U.S. Forces New York Times
Yemen Bombing: It’s Not the Islamic State Group, and It’s Not a Sunni-Shiite Conflict - Juan Cole, March 25
Yemen Was Washington’s Counterterrorism Success Story.
Not Anymore - Sean D. Naylor - Foreign Policy
U.N. Extends Asset Freeze and Travel Bans with Security Council Resolution #2204
Security Council Resolution #2201 Makes Demand on Houthis, "Calls on all Member States to refrain from external interference"
Persecution Defines Life for Yemen’s Remaining Jews New York Times
U.S. Loses Track of $500 million in Weapons it Gave to Yemen - Washington Post
2014 and earlier
The Houthis and their Anti-Jewishness - Angry Arab Blog
Re-Emergence of the Yemeni Left - Farea al-Muslimi - Al Monitor 2013
Nobel Laureate Tawakkol Karman's Award and Speech at CAIR-LA Banquet 2014
Nobel Prize Winner Gives Away All the Money to Yemeni Wounded
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barred from Entering Egypt - 2013
Tawakkul Karman, Nobel Peace Prize Speech - selection on Democracy Now!
Unhappy Yemen - Tariq Ali (includes history of Egypt-Saudi war in Yemen)
The Class Struggle in South Yemen - In Defence of Marxism - Jan. 2010
Yemen Ratifies Merger with Marxist South - New York Times 1990
Osama Bin Laden Funds Fight Against Leftists in Yemen
Critical Marxist View of South Yemen - 1986 Ted Grant
A Drone Operator's Unseen Scars Prove Fatal - Dave Phillips, NYT, April 15
U.S. (meaning Donald Rumsfeld) refused to negotiate a surrender with the Taliban in 2001 - New York Times 8-23
Afghanistan - A Turning Point in World History - Jonathan Nancy
Anand Gopal sums up what the US did in Afghanistan in 60 seconds He's author of "No Good Men Among the Living"
We Lost Everything - August 15, 2021 - Military.com
Afghanistan Meant Nothing - Veteran Laura Jedeed's bitter article, August 14, Medium
If You Had Bought $10,000 in Defense Stocks When the US War Started, it would be Worth $100,000 now - The Intercept
A Disaster of Imperialism Jose Vella - In Defence of Marxism
Afghan Diaspora for Equality and Progress
And any U.S.-based attorneys interested in helping Afghans with SIV, P-2, and humanitarian parole cases are encouraged to fill this form
Afghanistan - The End? [Goff's answer is "No"] - Stan Goff [former Special Forces soldier] (fourth article down on this page) April
The Doves Were right. I Was Wrong. - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic - Dec. 10, 2019
Yale Vigil on Afghanistan Killings - October 4, 2019
Protected by Soldiers, Youth in Afghanistan Join Climate Strike
40 Killed at Wedding Near U.S. Attack on Taliban
U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan
Afghan Women Struggle against Patriarchy, Imperialism, and Capitalism.
RAWA - Revolutionary Association of Afghan Women - Facebook Page
From 2009 interview with RAWA leader "Zoya" Interviewer TSVN host Stanley Heller
Trump Says Soviets Justified in Invading Afghanistan back in 1979
Life has Lost its Taste - The National
Trump Wanted to Bring the Taliban to Camp David - The Plan Unraveled - New York Times
The Taliban Roadmap to Peace - Foreign Policy
Solidarity with the Pashtun Defense Movement International Viewpoint (Marxist)
The Taliban Tried to Surrender, but the U.S. Refused - the Intercept - 2017 - Ryan Grim
An unfortunate article
"Afghan voters choose a better future" - Ralph Nader - 9/24/2014
Pakistani "Godfather" of Taliban Dies
Vast Human Tolls in the "Wars on Terror" - Physicans for Social Responsibility
NY Times Says No Reason to Delay Afghanistan Pull-Out - Trends are Bleak it Says
After a Billion Spent on Courts by Allies Many in Afghanistan Prefer Taliban Justice Azam Ahmed - New York Times
2014 and earlier
The Unspeakable in Afghanistan
Can't Shake Charge That He Killed 16, but Still Gets U.S. Hug - Telegraph 2/22/14
You Say You're There to Protect Afghan Women? - RAWA
Afghanistan War now Least Popular in U.S. History - CNN
Calls for a Complete Withdrawal from a War We Should Never Have Started
Who's Excited About Another Decade in Afgahnistan - David Swanson
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Doubt Obama Afghan Surge Will Have Any Lasting Effect - Washington Post
Malalai Joya in Boston for UNAC - Oct. 2013
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan - Independence, the first condition for the prosperity of our homeland and people
New York Times Admits it's Useless to Go On in Afghanistan
Has Amnesty International Lost Its Mind
Scorpion Gets In Among the Good Guys - Robert Fisk - 9/18/2012
The 25th Anniversary of Meena's Murder - RAWA
The Dead Men are all Al-Qaeda Militants Unless Their Corpses Can Be Proved Innocent - Juan Cole
Film Review - Restrepo - Soldiers in Afganistan - Stephen Kobasa
From My Lai to Kandahar - Jeff Sparrow
Active Duty Officer Sees Military Failure in Afghanistan - Lt. Col. Daniel Davis
C.I.A. Torture Got Hundreds of Thousands of American Soldiers Killed - Matthew Alexander, May 2011
Congress Lets Military Have U.S. Citizens
Will New Defense Act Lead to Tyranny? - Gale Courey Toensing
Revealed in the "White House Diaries" by Stanley Heller
A Cure for the Disease of Islamophobia - Rev. David Good
Is Afghanistan a Narco State? - New York Times
Lenni Brenner on the Comeback of the Taliban in Afghanistan
The Unofficial Story of the al-Qaeda 14 - Torture Was Wrong in Many Ways - Ron Suskind
David Rovics on the 9/11 "Truth" Conspiracists
"It is time for the Workers of the World to stop building guns and start building bridges" Union leaders speech at the Kennebunkport demo
Letter from Pinter, Saramago, Chomsky and Berger
Brzezinski and Charlie Wilson's War - Stanley Heller - Counterpunch 2007
National Security Chief Zbignew Brzezinski Brags about Luring the Soviets into Afghanistan - 1998 Counterpunch
Teens Weigh In on Afghan War after Obama Escalation - New Haven Independent 2009
MECC Calls for Investigation into US Ties to Mujahadeen and Taliban December 2001 (with some 2021 comments)