Emphasize rights and justice rather than being "pro-Palestine"
Seek allies - other mistreated minorities, progressive Jews like JVP, IFNotNow, Syrians, trade unions, some Left-wing groups, religious groups like Tree of Life Education Fund, Unitarian Universalists, Quakers, A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopel's,) dissident Evangelicals, "We Refuse to Be Enemies", Ukrainians.
There's always something to be done. Letters, phone calls, petitions, letters to newspapers, vigils, rallies, demonstrations
Good media sources: see panels below
International Middle East Media Center
Palestine Remembered
Palestine Chronicle
Palestine Museum (Woodbridge, CT)
972 Magazine
Haaretz (moderate with several pro-human rights columnists)
Human Rights Groups
Amnesty International
It’s report on Israel as an apartheid state
Updated report on State of Palestine
B’tselem (an Israeli group)
Jewish Voice for Peace (US)
Human Rights Watch
The Intercept (TheIntercept.com)
articles on Palestine-Israel compiled by The Struggle