Israelis Almost Killed this American Doctor - Zeto, Mehdi Hasan
Ignoring Massacres in Gaza City While Protesting for Democracy in Tel Avivs - Hanan Majadli - Haaretz
Poll Result, Only 1/3 of Democrats Support Israel - The Times of Israel
How Trump and the GOP Plan to Dismantle the U.S. pro-Palestinian Movement
'When You Leave Israel and Enter Gaza, You Are God'- Haaretz 12-23
the Cruel Claims of "Pallywood" - Haaretz
65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza - NYT - Dr. Feroze Sidhwa
99 Health Care Workers Who Have Volunteered in Gaza write to Biden - Oct 2
War Surgery Is Not Peace Surgery: An American Doctor in Gaza - PassBlue (from March)
Ta-Nehisi Coates' great response to CBS personality Dokoupil on CBS Morningsl
Al Jazeera Investigation Unit on "October 7"
Now in Power, Israel's Messianic Far-right Is Dead Serious About Rebuilding the Temple
Israel Wipes out Quadruplets Along with Mother and two other Children
Hind Rajab, 200 Days Later: US Keeps Letting Israel Investigate Itself - Zeteo
Five Israeli Soldiers Suspected of Abusing Hamas Prisoner in Sde Teiman to Be Sent to House Arrest - Bar Peleg - Haaretz (ONLY House Arrest for Suspected Rape?)
Israeli Rahab Ministry Says Over 10,000 Israeli Soldiers Treated Since Oct 7
ADL's Troubling Complaints against L.A.-area colleges
Human Rights Watch: At Least Five Palestinian Groups Committed War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Oct. 7 Attacks
Haaretz Report on HRW Claims of Palestinian War Crimes
Haaretz Confirms Israel Used the Hannibal Directive - July 6
972 Mag on How Israel Tried to Strongarm the ICC
Surveillance and interference: Israel’s covert war on the ICC exposed
Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza - Yuval Abraham - 972mag (from November 2023)
Why does CT have $95 million invested in Israel? - Stanley Heller, CT Mirror
Elbit YouTube for their search and destroy drone - CT Invests in Elbit
In the Shadow of the Holocaust - Masha Gessen, The New Yorker
NPR report on Destruction of Israa University - Seve Inskeep, NPR
Israel Blows Up Gaza University with 300 mines
Israelis Can't Understand How They Could be Accused of Genocide - Dahlia Scheindlin
Israel Commits Suicide of Biblical Proportions - Mushon Zer-Aviv - New Republic
Gazans are starving. Airdrops of aid could help change that
Naomi Klein two free chapters of Doppelganger Effect (Israel-Palestine) -
For Gaza’s Pregnant Women and Newborns, the War Will Never Be Over - Dr. Alice Rothchild New York Times
Israel’s Gaza war leads to a massacre of journalists Ishaan Tharoor Washington Post
Opinion Anti-Zionism isn’t the same as antisemitism. Here’s the history. - By Benjamin Moser
January 2, (He's a Pulitzer Prize winner)
In Israel-Hamas war, where are the voices of the healing profession? - Dr. Alice Rothchild
'Much Harder for Children'- Severe Hunger Is Spreading in Gaza. Four Voices From a Human Catastrophe
A Gaza hospital evacuated, four fragile lives and a grim discovery - Miriam Berger, Evan Hill and Hazem Balousha - 12-2-23
Unspeakable Tragedy - Daily Mail (UK) - 5 Babies Left to Die
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza - Yuval Abraham - 972mag
The War Turns Gaza Into a ‘Graveyard’ for Children - NYT - Nov. 18
An Unarmed Teen Was Shot During a Cease-Fire. Israel Was Never Held to Account - NYT 11/3
The Claim that Hamas’ Military Center is Under Gaza’s Biggest Hospital - Stanley Heller
Netanyahu Accused of Genocidal Intentions (after Amalek statement)
There Is a Jewish Hope for Palestinian Liberation. It Must Survive. - Peter Beinart, Oct 14
Israeli Government Minister Says "Blow up & flatten everything [in Gaza]
Ministry Recommends: Expel all Palestinians from Gaza - Yuval Abraham
I Fought for the I.D.F. in Gaza. It Made Me Fight for Peace. - Benzion Sanders, NYT
Entire Families Have Been ‘Wiped Out’ by Israeli Airstrikes, Human Rights Group Says - Time magazine
In Search of a Just Solution - Michael Jefferson
Democratic Party Links to the Kahanists - David Sheen
It is Even Forbidden to Empathize with Innocent Gazans - Gideon Levy
Why Did Netanyahu Want to Strengthen Hamas? -Dmitry Shumsky, Haaretz
Israel Can't Imprison 2 Million Palestinians
Without Paying a Cruel Price - Gideon Levy, Oct. 9
New Facts About Awful Rabbi Kahane - Stanley Heller
Kahane Expected "Chasms of Blood" - Haaretz
Netanyahu’s Israel Is About to Slam the Door on the Diaspora - Anshel Pfeffer
Abe Foxman Warns that Israel Might Lose Him - JTA
Rally for Palestine 9/18 in Middletown CT
Presbyterian Church Resolution Says Israel Practices Apartheid
DSA Start BDS Effort "No Appetit for Apartheid"
Internationally Known Palestinian Reporter Murdered by Israelis
Harvard Student Newspaper supports BDS
The Right of Return for the Palestinian Villages of Ikrit and Biram
Presbyterian Church Resolution Says Israel Practices Apartheid
Among U.S. Young People Palestinians are now liked as much as Israelis - PEW
CNN Forensic-Like Analysis Shows Israeli Troops Shot Shireen
CBS National News Interviews Noura Erakat about Murder of Shireen
Is Blood of Iconic Journalist Redder Than Blood of Anonymous Palestinians? -Levy
Religious Zionist Creep on the Al-Aksa Compound - 972mag
It's Religious Fanaticism That's Driving Them - B. Michael
The Chabad Rabbis in Putin's Inner Circle - Lev Stesin, Haaretz, April 25
What Israel Did to Jenin 20 Years Ago - Jennifer Lowenstein - Mondoweiss
Arguments Against BDS Now Demolished - Omar Barghouti
Connecticut Needs to Break with Apartheid Israel - Shelly Altman, JVP
Tell Me What's Untrue about the Amnesty Report - Gideon Levy
Connecticut’s hypocrisy on Palestine - Justine McCabe
Connecticut’s Congressional delegation — silent to Israel’s repression of Palestine - John Fussell
Amnesty International Says Israel an Apartheid State - Read the 277 page report
Haj Suleiman, Victim of Police Hit and Run - Gideon Levy
What Israeli Leaders Knew about Israeli Massacres in 1948 - Haaretz
What the Israeli Army Does to Soldiers who Shoot Palestinians - Gideon Levy
Gideon Levy given Israel's Top Journalism Prize for his Coverage
of Treatment of Palestinians
Thou Shalt Bear False Witness - Gideon Levy, Nov. 7
Reflecting on the Einstein Letter, 73 Years Later
Israel Meddling in Sudan, Meeting with the Military Goons 11/1
In Israel the Right Acts, the Left Babbles - Gideon Levy
On the Sabbath the Settlers Swarm with Clubs
Shadi Shurafi's Body Returned - Now Arrest his Killers
Big Development - Yale College Council Denounces Ethnic Cleansing by Israel
Over 150 Jews Sign Statement: "Take Down the Israeli Flag" - They say Israeli Government practices Apartheid
Two Former Israeli Ambassadors Call Israel an Apartheid State
Israel Killing Whole Families - Amira Haas - Haaretz
To Liberate Palestine There Must Be Uprisings Against the Regimes
Over 1000 Israeli Jews Denounce the Israeli Apartheid State
Over 100 Jews Sign Statement "Take Down the Israeli Flag" - Say Israeli Government is Apartheid
https://articles-thestruggle.webador.com/do-anything-it-wants" rel="noopener" target="_blank">[In]Justice Ministry Closes Rape, Sodomy Investigation.
Evidently Israeli Security Can Do Anything it Wants
As Palestinians Face the Pandemic Unprotected, Israel's Vaccination Rate Is Worthless - Haaretz Editorial
Former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg and others at Independent Jewish Voices Forum
There is No Right to a State - Peter Beinart - Jewish Currents
Heller Op-Ed Says We're Fighting Anti-Semitism the Wrong Way
American Muslims for Palestine Letter to State Department
Former Speaker of Israeli Knesset Asks for Removal of his "Jewish" Nationality Status.
Doesn't Want to Be Considered as Part of the "Masters" of the Country
Rights group demands specialized medical care for imprionsed Palestinian teen
There is No Right to a State - Peter Beinart, Jewish Currents
Adelson is Dead
Ruger is Making a Killing - Based in Fairfield, CT
Newsweek article Explains that Pompeo is Defending Settlements, not Jews
Sabra-Shatila Massacre Sept. 16-18 1982...Never Forget
An Attack on Edward Said’s Legacy—An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson
AOC Wants Congress to Threaten Israel Aid
PEP's Protest of Tufts President Criticism of Tufts Students for Justice in Palestine
Israeli Sniper Kills Palestinian Policeman in His Own Station - Gideon Levy
The Furious Zionist Response to Heller's Article Criticizing Jared Kushner's Big Lie
Heller op-ed "No, Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism"
Stanley Heller interviewed on WPKN about "Zionist Betrayal of Jews"
Israel's Sham Election - Dan Fischer
As Palestinian Kids are Destroyed, U.S. Condemns Measures to Protect Them
DeLauro Won't Defend Palestinian Children
Says Jews Marrying Non-Jews a "Second Holocaust"
Jeffrey Epstein and a Past Israeli Prime Minister
Distorting Congresswoman Omar's Words - Sina Ma
May 14 is Show Disgust with the ADL Day. Make a Sign
A Man Who Got Away with Mass Murder Dies Peacefully at 93
About Dov Yermiyah, Who Testified Against the Killer in the Above Article
An Article Ha'aretz Wouldn't Print Refuting Claims
about Labour Party Anti-Semitism
Stunning Article by Michelle Alexander on Palestine
Open Letter by Unionists and Others Asking Union Leadershipsto Support Fired Texas Teacher
Tribute to a Jewish Hero and South African Freedom Fighter - Gideon Levy
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Encouraged by International Criminal Court Move
Tufts' President Criticizes Award to Tufts' Students for Justice in Palestine
Ignorant U.S. Rabbi Waxes with Love for Israel Rabbi Gellman, New Haven Register. Send response letters@NHRegister.com
When Jews Praised Mussolini and Supported Nazis - Haaretz
12,000 Palestinians fought for U.K. in WWII alongside Jewish volunteers, historian finds
Calling on Teacher Unions NEA and AFT to support
Teacher Fired for Defending Right to BDS
Let's Get Unions to Support Teacher Fired Over BDS - article by Stanley Heller
New Haven Homeless Demand Homeless Person's Bill of Rights
A Jewish Letter to Trevor Noah
(and any other "Star" Raising $$ for the ADL)
#SolidarityWithJews, but Keep those Israeli Apartheid Flags at Home
TSVN Interviews with the Late Uri Avnery
Interview with Mazin Qumsiyeh who had been aboard the Al-Awda
Freedom Flotilla 2018: Brave Passengers Tasered, Arrested
Sample Letter to Send to Political Leaders "Investigate Ruger"
Protest at Ruger Gun Factory in Fairfield
Two Lives in One Day - Salam Qumsiyeh
Remembering Gale Courey Toensing
This Didn't Start with a Slap - Background about the Tamimi's and Nabi Saleh
May 29, Israeli warships surround Gaza Boats Trying to Bring out Wounded... Background
Is there a Connection between Ruger Rifles
and the #GreatReturnMarch Sniper Killings?
Israeli Kills 16 in One Day,
Massive Injuries, Land Day Massacre 2.0
Video of the Talks in Bridgeport about the TOLEF Palestine Trip
BDS Movement Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
The IHRA definition isn't so bad. It's the "examples" that excuse Zionism
Murder on Shuhada Street - Richard Silverstein
Asking for $45 Billion More from the U.S. - Jerusalem Post
Hostile Intelligence: Reflections from a Visit to the West Bank - David Graeber
'Israel Would Be Embarrassed if It Were Known It's Selling Arms to These Countries' Ha'aretz
Roger Waters Sets the Record Straight, I Hate Apartheid, Not Israel - interview Gideon Levy
1,000 Black Activists Issue Statement in Support of BDS
Soldiers Storm into Palestinian Murder Site at 2 AM to "Gather Evidence"
Extremist Group Leader Calls for Torching of Churches - Haaretz
Saboteurs of Obama's Foreign Policy Orly Azoulay - Ynet News
A new, extremely dangerous kind of Jewish fanaticism Alex Fishman - Ynet News
No more condemnations; Jewish terror requires action - Nahum Barnea Ynet News - Aug. 2
State Department - We Won't Protect Israeli Settlements Against Boycott
Gaza Reconstruction Moving at a "Snail's Pace" - UNWRA Layoff Because of Lack of Funds - UNWRA
Time to End Israel's Impunity - Suha Abukhdeir -CNN - June 1
Israel's Charade of Democracy - Hagi El-Ad, Director of B'tselem in the NYT
Israel, the Original Terrorist State (2015) in Tablet a conservative Jewish site
Challenging Peter Beinart’s dishonesty about the inequality in Zionism - Ali Abunimah - Electronic Intifada
Beinart Tells Obama Anti-Zionism is Not Anti-Semitism - Haaretz
Israeli Troops Fired on Clinic to "Honor" Fallen Soldier - War Crime
Israel Wants $900 Billion "Compensation Package" from U.S. - Yedioth Aharanot
Amnesty - Hamas "Settled Scores" During Israeli Attack
U.S. Blocked NPT Statement over Israeli Objections - Haaretz
Israel Thanks Obama for Keeping Its Nuclear Secret - Eli Lake - Bloomberg News
US rejects nuclear disarmament document over Israel concerns No Review until 2020
Actually Jerusalem was Capital of Jewish Kingdom for a Very Short Time Juan Cole
Why the Ethiopian Israeli (Jews) are Angry
Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on Submarines Germany Sold them Der Spiegel
Not One Destroyed Refugee Home in Gaza Has Been Rebuilt - UNWRA - April 30
With Israel Not Objecting, U.S. Selling Gulf Arab Lots of Weapons, Fueling Lots of Wars
About of Half of Americans Would Support Israel Over U.S. Interests the Intercept
Poll: Deep Partisan Split on Israel and Iran - Bloomberg News
New Israeli Justice Minister Supported Call for Genocide of Palestinians July Post Got 1,000 Likes
Israel Posts its Demands on Iran Insists on "anywhere, anytime" Inspections
ISIS controls 90 percent of Palestinian refugee camp - Haaretz
Another Freedom Flotilla with Sail First Half of This Year - War is a Crime
Anti-War Trade Union Group Calls for U.S. to "Recalibrate" Relations with Israel - U.S. Labor Against the War
Embracing Israel Boycott, Jewish Voice For Peace Insists on Its Jewish Identity - Forward
972 Mag - It's Time for a One State Solution Yonatan Amir
Palestinian armed groups killed civilians on both sides in attacks amounting to war crimes - Amnesty International
Time to Give Palestinians Their Country Back - Miko Peled - The Hill
When Jewish militants dug underground tunnels 1945-1948 - Edo Konrad
Conservative U.S. Rabbis Break Ranks and Criticize Netanyahu for his Anti-Arab Racism
Syrian Congratulates Netanyahu and Denies Israel Helps Al-Qaida Fighters
Israel Treats Nearly 2000 Wounded Al-Qaida Fighters Jerusalem Post, March 13
Israel Helping Al-Qaida Wounded - Wall Street Journal, March 12
Tiny Amount of Produce Exported from Gaza - First in 8 Years - Needed by Orthodox Jews
What Kristof Misses - the Big Picture
Winds of War in Gaza - Kristof - New York Times
Meet the Jews Who will Vote for the (Mostly) Arab List in the Election Ha aretz
Use of Dogs Official Policy - B'tselem
Yankee President Big Supporter of Israeli Dog Unit and Israeli Army (from 2013)
We Jews Must Face the Reality of Discrimination on the West Bank - Shaiya Rothberg - Jerusalem
AP Says 280 Palestinian Kids Killed by Israeli Air Strikes in Gaza
Gaza: UN says over 370,000 Palestinian children in need of 'psycho-social first aid'
370,000 Gaza Children Shell Shocked from Summer Israeli Attack
Israeli General Says Israeli Bombing of Syria is an Election Ploy
Anti-fascists take on far-right anti-Semites over London protest Ha'aretz
Soldiers Recall Their Crimes in '67 War Film Shown at Sundance
Why I Won't Serve in the Israeli Army - Op-Ed New York Times - Moriel Rothman-Zecherjan Jan. 11
The Israeli Guns That Took Part in the Rwanda Genocide - Uri Misgav - Haaretz
40 Years of Digging Produce No Evidence of Joshua, David or Solomon
Israeli Army Still Using Dogs Against Palestinians
Vanity Fair Interview with Khalid Mishal: Explains Tunnels, Excuses Killing Three Teenagers
The Jewish Virtual Library Blanket Defense of the Israeli State and its Governments
The PFLP and the Attack That Killed Five Israelis - Ramzy Baroud (originally in Palestine Chronicle)
Why I was Censored Talking about Israel in Germany - Max Blumenthal
Jon Stewart blasts 'fascistic' right-wing Jewish pressure on dissident Jews
"Ordinary" Humiliations - Minority Life in Israel - Rula Jabreal - NYT
Discriminatory Laws in Israel - Adalah
The Death of Klinghoffer - The Complete Libretto
Lots of Jews Leaving Israel for...Germany - New York Times
Malala Gives $50,000 to Rebuild Gaza School
How the Israel Lobby Scared a Congressman "Right" - The Forward
Samantha Powers, Israel's Protector - Max Blumenthal
House Demolitons as Punishment - Netanyahu Revives the Practice
Smugglers Laughed as They Drowned Hundreds of Palestinians
About a Jewish Professor Leading the Defense of Steven Salaita - New York Times
How Israel Silences Dissent - Mairav Zonszein - New York Times Op-Ed
Israel's NSA Scandal NYT 9/17
A Look at the Luxury Apartment Building the IDF Destroyed Near the End of their Latest Rampage - New York Times
Border Policeman Arrested in Case of Beating of Tariq Abu Khdeir
Do you Think A U.S. Newspaper Would publish this Graphic about the Killing of Palestinian Children? (from July 22)
Israel's War of Choice - Roger Cohen, NYT Sept 8
Col. Winter, Poster Boy for IDF's New Dirty War - Richard Silverstein
How We Grew Up - Yehuda Shaul of Breaking the Silence in "The New Statesman"
Did Israeli Soldiers Execute Six Captured Islamic Jihad Fighters in Cold Blood? Jesse Rosenfeld The Daily Beast
Documents Released Show How Nixon Approved Israel as a Nuclear Power
BDS Support Growing in Europe New York Times
Is AIPAC Losing Influence? - New Yorker - Sept 1 Issue
1988 - NYT Columnist - Israel Lobby Terrifies Congress - M.J. Rosenberg (and Senator Levin Never Spoke Up Again)
End of Liberal Zionism (and the Need for Equal Rights in One State)- Antony Lerman - NYT
U.S. Has Given Israel $100 Billion
Deputy Speakers Calls for Concentration Camps in Gaza August 4
Says Israelis Generally and Some Rabbis OK with Exploiting the Poor for Organ Donations - New York Times
89 Gaza Families Wiped Out Haaretz - August 24
Transplant Brokers in Israel Lure Desperate Kidney Patients to Costa Rica - Kevin Sack, New York Times
At 91 He Returns his "Righteous Among the Nations" Medal on Account of Gaza
Terror Victim's Family Tears Up Condolence Letter from Israeli President
Claim that Hamas killed 3 teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza onslaught - Phil Weiss, Adam Horowitz on Mondoweiss
Are Israelis and Zionists Really Talking about the Final Solution? - Juan Cole
The Full Shocking Post by Yochonan Gordon Wondering if Genocide of Palestinians is Necessary
Source is Right Wing, but Is There Any Possible Excuse for this Grotesque
Anti-Semitic Statement by Hamas Spokesman Hamdan?
On CNN, Hamas Spokesperson Does Not Deny He Said Jews Use Christian Blood for Matzah. Instead He Talks about Call for Genocide of Palestinians
Chabad Rabbi Thinks Israelis are Facing Gas Chambers Times of Israel, August 1
Hamas Chances - Nathan Thrall
Some Israeli Arabs Can Get to Shelters, But Most Can't, Even in Schools
Beduin Citizens of Israel? No Shelters - Amira Hass
The Hannibal Protocol is Encouraging Israeli Soldiers to Kill Other Israeli Soldiers (from 2011)
Israel Annihilates Entire German Family
35 Killed in Two Families in Gaza
"Educator" Calls for 300 Foreskins, Later Regrets his "Poetic" Language
Member of Knesset Shaked's Call for Genocide Electronic Intifada July 7
A "Polite", but Ruinous Raid - Amira Hass
Where Was God When Israel Deported Africans?
The Palestinians, a Kidnapped Society - Avraham Burg
Hashtags - Lora Lucero
Goodbye Israel, Thanks for Nothing - Carol Daniel Kasbari Ha'aretz
Austrailian TV on UNICEF Report "children have been threatened with death, physical violence, solitary confinement and sexual assault"
Appreciating the Flavors of Palestine
Israel's double standard on reporters visiting enemy states Zvi Bar'el April 18
American Legion Brass Don't Want to Hear about the "Liberty" - Allison Weir
Term "Apartheid" Good Fit for Israel - Saree Mikdisi LA Times
Israeli Security Says "Price Tag" Killings Carried Out By Followers of Extremist Rabbi Ginsburgh
Ex-Shin Bet Head Says Israeli Government Covering Up for "Price Tag" Attackers
Israeli Soldiers Flood Social Media Defending Brutal Soldier - Uri Avnery
Are Israel and Iran Trading Places? - New York Times
Even Abbas' Son Doesn't Think "Two-State" is Possible
Who Set Up Medea? - Lawrence Davidson
Devastating Amnesty Intl Report on Israeli Killing of Palestinian Children
European Boycotts Starting to Bite - Christian Science Monitor
"A Conflict of Faith: Devoted to Jewish Observance, but at Odds with Israel"
Understanding the Boycott of Israeli's Universities - Vijay Prashad
Sodastream Boycott Gets AP Attention - Jan. 26
Theses on Zionism - Joseph Massad
Sometime "Nazi" is the Right Word - Etgar Karet - NYT
The Truth about Israel's Secret Nuclear Arsenal - Julian Borger 1/15
Eritrean Writes in the New York Times about Israeli Refusal to Treat Refugees Decently
From Gay Jews Down to Goys - Ha'aretz
Final Words on Sharon - Miko Peled, author of "The Generals's Son"
"Redwashing" Panel in Beirut - Indian Country Today
ASA President Explains Why the Joined the Boycott in the Chronicle of Higher Education
The Einstein Letter at 65 - Stanley Heller
Israel Has Allowed in Only 200 Non-Jewish Refugees in 65 Years - Shmarya Rosenberg
When the Jewish Establishment Supported Sanctions
Facts on the Blockade and the Power Situation - Amnesty Intl - Norman Finkelstein
American Studies Association Votes to Join Academic Boycott of Israel - New York Times Dec. 16
from 2005 AAUP Union Opposes Academic Boycott of Israel, but Will Boycott if Profs Miss Pay
"Have You Seen Fisk's Marbles?" - As'ad AbuKhalil on Robert Fisk
He Talks About Jewish Wealth (and Laughs about Israeli Fence)
How Come Uri Avnery Knows So Little About Israel? - Jonathan Cook
It's Not Apartheid - Uri Avnery
Solidarity against the indictment of Palestinian-American activist Rasmea Odeh - Stop FBI Repression group
Last Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Survivor Speaks Out Against Israeli Occupation
Indictment Against Chicago Palestinian-American Activist Detailed Federal Indictment
Rabbis Helping to Harvest Palestinian Olive - Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 22
U.S. Jewish Attitudes Towards Israel - PEW Research 2013
On the Way to Gaza They Were Caught and Thrown Into an Egyptian Prison
Major Article about Anti-Zionist Michel Warschawski in Ha'aretz
More on Ovadiah from Uri Avnery
(Racist) Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in His Own Words
The Israeli Flyover of Auschwitz - Yahuda Bauer
1597 Palestinians Killed Since Start of Revolution in Syria
Ten Years Ago Edward Said Died - Vijay Prashad - September 25, 2013
Nakba in the Negev - Christian Science Monitor
Israeli Use of Palestinians as Human Shields - IMEU with B'tselem references 2012
The Two-State Illussion - Ian Lustick - Op-Ed - New York Times
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters on Why He Supports BDS
Right Wing Jewish Paper Outraged that JCC Film Fest Director Supports BDS
Reasons Unclear Why an Israeli Elite Army Unit Tried to Go Into Lebanon
"Israel once again was humiliated by a band of resistance volunteers"
The Bizarre Story of Ami Popper of Israel
Warning Lebanese "He?s the first US president who has imposed no restrictions on Israel" - Noam Chomsky
NYT Tom Friedman Talks Frankly About Power of the Israel Lobby
The Strange History of the Anti-Defamation League - Jeff Blankfort
Davidson Defends Hass's Article on Stone Throwing
The Innter Syntax of PalestinianStone Throwing - Amira Hass
Israel and the Politics of Boycott - Jospeh Massad
Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start? - Ben Ehrenreich
Qana Massacre Maker Now Israel Defense Minister - Mitchel Plitnick
Ich Bin Ein Bil'iner - Uri Avnery
Bil'in, the Scene of 5 Broken Cameras
Biased new study skirts around racism in Israeli school books - Nurit Peled-Elhanan
Palestinian Textbooks Do Not Incite Hate Jewish Week, 2/5/13
"The Gatekeepers" - An Analysis of the Film by Lawrence Davidson
Norman Finkelstein - Israel's Latest Assault on Gaza - What Really Happened
Impressions of Gaza - Noam Chomsky
Before Netanyahu Drew His Cartoon, He Thought About Using These Ideas
Connecticut and the Sabra-Shatila Massacre (Sept. 2012)
Scorpion Gets In Among the Good Guys - Robert Fisk - 9/18/2012
A Preventable Massacre - Seth Anziska New York Times 9/17/2012
The Ugly Truth about Yitzhak Shamir - Stanley Heller
Anarchists - the Most Important Activists on the Israeli Left - Noam Sheizaf, July 8, 2012
The Death of Yitzhak Shamir, pro-Nazi Zionist - Lenni Brenner
Tony Blair Reinvents Himself - Felicty Arbothnot
What It's Like to Live 5 Years Under Blockade - Najwa Sheikh (from Gaza)
Alice Walker's Letter - No Translation of "Purple" by Israeli company
Review of "The Who" - Stanley Heller
The Atzmon Conundrum - Seth Farber
A Critique of Finkelstein's Two State Fixation - Stanley Heller
The NYT?s Love Letter to Death Squads - Chris Floyd
What if Kobe Bryant were an Imprisoned Soccer Player - Dave Zirin
"The General's Son" talk at Palestine Awareness Week - Miko Peled
When the Zionists Brought SS Men to Haifa - Stanley Heller
Interview with Felicia Langer on the Attacks on Gunter Grass
The Disgusting Attacks on Gunter Grass - Tariq Ali
Günter the Terrible - Uri Avnery
Palestinian Political Prisoner Explain Goals of Prisoner Hunger Strikes - Ameer Makhoul
Inteview with Tony Greenstein on Atzmon
Group of Palestinians Denounce Atzmon Tour
Several Score Activists Oppose Atzmon Attacks on "Jewishness"
The US and the Syrian Uprising - As'ad AbuKhalil
Fadi Quran "Young, Networked, Non-Violent" - Time Magazine
Active Duty Officer Sees Military Failure in Afghanistan - Lt. Col. Daniel Davis
Imperialism, despotism, and democracy in Syria - Joseph Massad
Libya at the Crossroads - Simon Assaf 1/2012
Numbers Show Israelis Safest During Hamas-Israeli Truce - 1/2/2012
How I Became a "Terrorist" Abdelrahman Al Ahmar12/23/2011
101 Permits Govern Palestinian Ability to Travel 12/23/2011
No Greenwashing of Jewish National Fund - BDS South Africa
About the Open Letter to As'ad AbuKhalil Nov 2011
Called an Anti-Semite, He Sues
After the US Stops Palestine at the UN - Heller in New Haven Register
Stanley Heller: Palestinians? personal stories contradict Goldstone reversal - New Haven Register
Five Photos of Our Pickup Truck ? the Flotilla Mobile
Revealed in the "White House Diaries" by Stanley Heller
Did the PA Kill the Goldstone Report? - Jared Maslin
Alison Weir interviews Noam Chomsky - sparks fly on BDS and more
Anna Baltzer - Palestinians' human rights key to peace
A Cure for the Disease of Islamophobia - Rev. David Good
Israel an "Anachronism" - Classic article by Late Tony Judt
The Elders of Anti-Zion by Uri Avnery
Dubious Palestinian Authority Arrests- Johanna Rivera
Egypt Complicit in Gaza- Johanna Rivera
The End of Sicarii Zionism - Dov Yermiya
Time has devoted a cover story about the Soviet-Georgia war over Osseitia written by none other than Jimmy Carter's National Security Chief Zbignew Brzezinski. Never forget that Brzezinski and Carter were the two who deliberately lured the Soviets into occupying Afghanistan in 1979 and who helped turn Political Islam into a worldwide menace. See Bzezinski's proud admission in a 1998 article reprinted on Counterpunch.
I Renounce My Belief in the Zionism that has Failed - Dov Yermiyah
Human Rights Group finds Fatah and Hamas Guilty of Abuses
Warschawsky "Suspend Israeli UN Membership Until it Complies with Right to Return Committment"
"I am returning your invitation" - Israeli Veteran Dov Yermiyah Spurns Barak
A Critique of Uri Avnery's "Apology"
Compilation of 78 Security Council Resolutions Critizing Israel for Violating International Law - 2009
Lenni Brenner Exposes Winston Churchill's Anti-Semitism
If Iran is Such an Enemy Why is Israel Secretly Trading with it?
Bush's Attempt to Launch a Gaza Coup .......read the Vanity Fair article
Rice Uses the S-Word by Lenni Brenner
"It is time for the Workers of the World to stop building guns and start building bridges" Union leaders speech at the Kennebunkport demo
From Kit's Blog June-August
Israel Doesn't Want Peace - Gideon Levy
Danger to the State - Uri Averny, April 7
Strip Searching Palestinian Children - Allison Weir
Poem on the Birthday of the Martyr Shaden Abu-Hijleh
Mazin Qumsiyeh - The Israeli lobby and the endless wars
Mazin Qumsiyeh - Holocaust Deniers and the Iraq Study Report
Tony Karon: In Defense of Jimmy Carter
One of the Israelis Soldiers Looked Down at the Blood and Laughed
Pregnant Women at Checkpoints
Sorry, Wrong Continent - Uri Avnery
The First Israeli Settlement in Syria was Secular - July 1967
Robert Fisk on Those Who Ignore Holocausts of Jews (and Armenians)
Chris Floyd Demolishes Thomas Friedman
Boycotting Myself - Juliano Mer Khamis
Academic Boycotts - Rights and Wrongs - Moshe Machover
LA Times Article About Israeli Cluster Bombs in Lebanon
Amazing Speech by Mother of Woman Killed by Palestinian Suicide Bomber
Why "Disengagement" in Gaza Ended in Violence - George Bisharat
Ralph Nader's Stunning Remarks on Israel's "War Crime" in Lebanon
The New York Times Distortions about Israeli Sentiment toward their War
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Lebanon, Israel by Gabriel Ash
A Note from Lebanon - Rania Masri
Letter from Pinter, Saramago, Chomsky and Berger
Five Year Old Arrested and Terrorized by Israelis
Who's the Dog and Who's the Tail - Uri Avnery
Appeal to Europe published in Israeli papers
Why You Shouldn't Talk to Police
Link to Gideon Levy's article on Tel Rumeida... Republished on Counterpunch
Take Off the Rose Covered Glasses - Op-Ed in the Register
Anti-War Groups Set Program for March Demo
"Son of a Bitch General" - an ex-Israeli soldier's view
A Searing Review of the Movie "Munich"
Israel's Plan to Attack Iran...and What it Will Mean for US Troops
Israel's Corruption was Inevitable
Throw it Right Back at Lieberman
Answers UCONN Newspaper Article
Human Rights Watch Writes to Clinton about the Wall
Letter Published in the New Haven Register
Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers- Michael Steven Smith
Letter Published in the Yale Daily News
I Endorse Polarization Israel Shahak
Chabad Rabbi: Jews Should Kill Arab Men, Women and Children During War 2009
Principles of Fighters - Marek Edelman 2002
No, the Romans Didn't Exile the Jews - Jerry Haber - The Magnes Zionist - Sunday, July 29, 2007
Mondoweiss quoting Chris Hedges in 2001 in Harpers describing Israeli soldiers shooting children for amusement. (2010)
Palestine and the anti-war movement- Toufic Haddad
Falling into Sharon's Trap - Stanley Heller
International Terrorism: Image and Reality - Noam Chomsky 1991
The Israeli Plan to Frament Middle East Countries - 1981
Full text of "The Zionist Plan For The Middle East By Oded Yinon
as revealed by Israël Shahak
Connecticut BDS - 1981
The Einstein Letter to the New York Times Warning about Zionist Fascists - 1948
Two Videos of New Haven March on 30th Anniversary of the Massacre
First One Second One
Dia al Azzawi artwork at the Tate - Sabra-Shatilla 1982
Photographer Returns to Follow Up on His Iconic Photos
MECC Plans for Marking 30th Anniversary of the Massacre
Banner Marking 30th Anniversary
An Account by a Defender and Survivor of Shatila Camp
Ralph Schoenman on the Massacre
Review of Bayan Nuwayhed Al-Hout's Book that Names 1300 Dead or Missing
French Author Jean Genet "Four Hours at Chatila"
Franklin Lamb's "Letter to Janet"
Bayan Nuwayhed Al-Hout's "Sabra and Shatila September 1982" complete
In 1999 Barak Appointed War Criminal to High Post
U.N. General Assembly Resolution Comdemns it as an "act of genocide"
2012 Al-Jazeera Film: Gaza Hospital: Beirut
Eyewitness Don Wagner of Sabeel Recommends Al-Jazeera Film
To the IDF soldiers who were at Sabra and Shatila - Ellen Siegel
Podcast: Ralph Schoenman - Coming to Sabra and Shatila in 1982
More from Ellen Siegel "Shared Memories"
A Preventable Massacre - Seth Anziska New York Times 9/17/2012
The Forgotten Massacre - Robert Fisk 2012
They shot my Father in the Head
Connecticut and the Sabra-Shatila Massacre (Sept. 2012)
The final Task Force Recommendations, including three central standards, are as follows:
That the State Treasurer disinvests from those corporations doing business in South Africa which have not obtained a performance rating in the top two categories of the Sullivan Principles rating system prepared by the Arthur D. Little Company.
That the State Treasurer disinvests from those corporations doing business in South Africa which supply strategic products or services for use by the government or use by the military or police in South Africa.
That the State Treasurer disinvest from those corporations doing business in South Africa which fail to recognize the right of all South African employees to organize and strike in support of economic or social objectives, free from the fear of dismissal or blacklisting.
A. That the State Treasurer, in administering a law inclusive of these recommendations, may require a social audit of corporations doing business in South Africa.
B. That the State Treasurer consult with the Investment Advisory Council in developing, interpreting and administering any policy relating to these standards.
"Doing business in South Africa"
Conducting or performing manufacturing, assembly or warehousing operations within the Republic of South Africa or if a bank or other financial institution, lending money to the Republic of South Africa or any agency or instrumentality thereof,
"Strategic products and services"
Articles designated as arms, ammunition and implements of war as described in 22 C.F.R. 121 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (Appendix V) and data processing equipment and computers sold for military or police use or for use in connection with the pass system.
The Task Force's recommendations became effective in 1982, the same year that Mandela was transferred from Robben Island to Pollsmoor Prison.