Isnt' it Time for the Truth about Feivel Polkes and his Haganah Chiefs? - 2021
Radio Interview with Stanley Heller about his book "Zionist Betrayal of Jews" 11/2019
Netanyahu's Silence on Son's Inflammatory anti-Semitic Cartoon Is Deafening - Haaretz Editorial
Netanyahu's son Yair draws fire after posting 'antisemitic cartoon' - The Guardian
Only One Jewish Organization Criticized Appointment of Head of "Alt-Right" Website to top Trump Job - Mondoweiss
The Disturbing Alliance Between Zionists and anti-Semites - Forward, Feb. 2017
As Neo-Nazis Create Soros as the "Jews" Bogeyman, Israel Sides with the Rightists
How They Still Justify Their Offer to Ally with Hitler
Anti-Semitic Zionists- Uri Avnery Dec. 30, 2016
NYT Op-Ed Reminds World about Stern Gang Attempt to Ally with Hitler Omri Boehm - Dec. 20, 2016
Israeli President Slams Netanyahu's Party for Building Ties with European Extremists- Newsweek
From 1993 - Elie Wiesel writes about the Transfer Agreement in this Review of Segev's Book
Another Top Nazi Who the Israelis Were Willing to Work With- Forward
Herzl - “The anti-semites will become our most dependable friends" - from article by Tony Greenstein
Not Just American Officials, Israelis Too Worked with Nazis after the War - Interview Shraga Elam
While Dreyfus Rotted on Devils Island
Goldberg Whitewashes the Jewish 1%'s Holocaust Passivity
How Strong was the Anti-Nazi Boycott Before the Zionists Destroyed It? Read the JTA in 1935
Could the Boycott Have Beaten Hitler? - Stanley Heller
Herzl's "Aquisition" of Mass Murderer in Support of Zionism
That Awful Quote from Ben Gurion
Confirmation of the Ben Gurion Quote in this 1997 Article in the New York Times
Defends Ben Gurion Quote Saying Critics Don't see "Context"
Zionist Leader Ruppin Helped Convince (Some) Germans That Jews Were a Race - Haaretz
Major Nazi War Criminal Employed for a While as Israeli Agent
Working with Neo-Nazis in the 1980's - by Stanley Heller
It Wasn't a Mystery, it's Just Been Covered Up - A Review of "The Flat"
A flyer Don't Let Them Guilt Trip You about the Holocaust (Word file .doc)
Could the Anti-Nazi Boycott Have Won?
The Disgraceful Record of the ADL in the Years Hitler was Working Himself Up to the Holocaust
A Debate about "The Transfer Agreement" in 1985
The Ugly Truth about Yitzhak Shamir - Stanley Heller
The Death of Yitzhak Shamir, pro-Nazi Zionist - Lenni Brenner
When the Zionists Brought SS Men to Haifa - Stanley Heller
New York Times Review of "Killing Kastner" - Especially read the comments
Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook), a Zionist Who Fought Zionists Who Were Covering Up Holocaust Murders
and, of course, many of the articles and video on the Lenni Brenner archive
The word "antisemite" has been used since the middle 1800's to mean hatred of Jews. Modern Zionist thinkers work hard to make people believe criticism of Israel and Zionist ideas is antisemitic. It is very important to oppose this slander, but at the same time it is crucial to oppose real antisemitism just as we should oppose every form of racism. We'll use this archive to talk about both antisemitism and Zionist attempts to use justified sympathy for the Jewish people to cover up injustices and crimes of a Jewish-superiority state.
Has the Fight Against Antisemitism Lost Its Way? - Peter Beinart NYT (8/26/22)
Reason Alice Walker Disinvited from the BayArea Book Fair - Cherilyn Parsons & Festival Board
Disgusting Anti-Semitic Float in Belgium Gets Little Criticism from Authorities - 2019
For Those Who Think David Irving is Just a Misunderstood "Historian"
Vile Funder of Many Anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial Sites Dies
Back in March Farrakhan Falsely Claims the Jews were Behind the 9/11 Attacks Oct 15, 2015
Pat Robertson Spreads Stereotypes about Jews -- They're busy "polishing diamonds", he says
About Louis Farrakhan - Southern Poverty Law Center
David Duke <3 Atzmon and Vice Versa
"Anti-Semite" is a Terrible Word (and quotes Hajo Meyer) - Toronto Sun 2/1/14
French BDS Campaign Condemns Dieudonné and his Ilk
A Review of the "Who" - Stanley Heller
Time to start talking about Zionist anti-Semitism - Asa Winstanley, Oct. 11, 2013
Nixon - "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue"
Could Nixon Be An Anti-Semite And A Friend Of Israel?
Kissinger Said U.S. Jews Acted ‘Traitorously’
Four reasons why U.K. cartoon of Netanyahu isn't anti-Semitic in any way - Ashel Pfeffer
Berlusconi defends Mussolini at Holocaust event- January 27, 2013
Supposed Anti-Semitic Cartoons
Morsi's Lousy Comments about Jews NY Times Editorial
Palestine Authority TV Claims Europe "suffered a tragedy by providing refuge for the Jews."
European Left and Anti-Semitism - As'ad AbuKhalil
The Anti-Jewish Charter of Hamas
Palestinian writers, activists disavow racism, anti-Semitism of Gilad Atzmon - Tony Greenstein
Gilad Atzmon Hates Jewishness, Whatever That is
Mahmoud Abbas' Holocaust Denying Dissertation
Israel Shamir is an anti-Semite, not an anti-Zionist
disgusting! Eisen Defends Ernst Zundel who wrote "The Hitler We Loved" 2005
Stanley Heller comments, "